100 Ways to Stay Sober

Below is a list of 100 ways that our group has found effective to remain abstinent from bottom line behavior.  
This is not S.L.A.A. Conference Approved Literature

01. Don't forget the past.
02. Don't overdo any "medication."
03. Stay away from acting out places, people, things, and websites.
04. Acknowledge a total slip will follow the first look, phone call, or turn you shouldn't make.
05. Listen and try to help another sex addict today.
06. Attend S-Groups, AA, or any other 12-Step groups regularly and get involved.
07. Help some one today even in the smallest way, not expecting some thing in return.
08. Think about the word "insanity" and "restore" in step 2.
09. Maintain a conscious contact with God.
10. Ask what you can do for your group.
11. Pause!!! when insanity comes.
12. Ask HP to come into your heart and mind in that pause.
13. Get a sponsor immediately!
14. Call your sponsor daily.
15. Offer to help your sponsor with something.
16. Visit a recovery house, or do some volunteer work.
17. Visit a depressed friend.
18. Listen to learn.
19. In problems, examine your part first.
20. Remember, your disease is incurable, progressive and fatal.
21. Do first things first.
22. Don't become too tired.
23. Eat at regular hours.
24. Use the telephone to call someone in recovery, when upset.
25. Be active -- don't just sit around. Idle time will kill you.
26. Say the Serenity Prayer daily.
27. Change old routines and patterns that are not positive.
28. Don't become too hungry.
29. Avoid loneliness.
30. Practice control of your anger.
31. Air your resentments.
32. Be willing to help whenever needed.
33. Be good to yourself; you deserve it.
34. Slow down. Easy does it.
35. Get out of the "IF ONLY" trap.
36. Remember HOW IT WAS -- your last slip, the feelings, etc.
37. Beware of how you will react before hand. Expect your emotions.
38. Help another in his/her recovery, extend your hand, and listen.
39. Try to turn your life and your will over to your Higher Power.
40. Avoid all mood-altering drugs, read labels on all medicines.
41. Turn loose of old negative ideas.
42. If you must go to a situation where there will be temptation, take a sober 12-Step buddy with you. If you become uncomfortable, leave.
43. Replace old acting out buddies with new SCA/SLAA/SAA buddies.
44. Read the S-Recovery texts and the AA Big Book slowly.
45. Try not to be dependent on another.
46. Be grateful, and when not make a GRATITUDE list.
47. Don't feel sorry for yourself.
48. Seek knowledgeable help when you are troubled.
49. Review Step ONE. "... we were ..." is past tense, if we use our new tools.
50. Discuss a paragraph out of any S-Recovery text or the Big Book with some one.
51. Turn your will over to HP, knowing some action is needed by you.
52. Say "Thank you" at the end of each day.
53. Plant the "recovery" seed and accept the rest.
54. Don't try to test your will-power. Once a pickle, always a pickle.
56. Remember that HP alone sets the element of QUALITY and Quantity of time.
57. Remember your addiction is "cunning, baffling and powerful."
58. Give yourself credit for something good you accomplished today.
59. Love some one else first, then love yourself.
60. Share your experience, strength and hope.
61. Cherish your recovery.
62. Dump negative thinking.
63. Get plenty of "restful" sleep.
64. Stay sober for you -- not someone else.
65. Practice rigorous honesty with yourself and others.
66. Remember HALTS -- Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, or Sick.
67. Forget the old saying "Don't do this for one year." Only HP can measure your quality and quantity of time and sobriety.
68. Get a sponsor and use him/her to learn how to LIVE the 12 Steps.
69. Know that no matter what your problems, someone's had them before. Don't be afraid to share, as a problem shared is one half solved.
70. Strive for progress not perfection.
71. When in doubt, ask questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked.
72. Live Step 11 with prayer and meditation.
73. Balance yourself.
74. Don't use other things obsessively as a maintenance program.
75. Learn to take spot check inventories.
76. Remember the fact, NOTHING will make you act out again.
77. Know that it's okay to be human and to make mistakes.
78. Be kind to yourself. Don't be hard on yourself.
79. Take the disease seriously! It can kill you.
80. Know that whatever it is that's causing pain, it SHALL pass.
81. Smile at the worst problems and see what you can learn.
82. Don't give away more than you can afford to.
83. Don't stay inside too much. Get out, go somewhere!
84. Get a home group and attend it regularly.
85. Don't expect life to be all roses, even in sobriety. Without problems there would be no use for our existence.
86. Remember Step One begins "WE." You are NOT alone.
87. Be willing to go to any lengths to stay and be sober.
88. Know that no matter how bleak and dark your past may be, it will get better!
89. Read the Promises in the Big Book [page 83 and 84].
90. Don't be in a hurry.
91. Watch out for your EGO. (Edging God Out..
92. Protect your sobriety at all costs. Keep the light on you.
93. Learn to listen, not just hear. Be open-minded and nonjudgmental.
94. Don't use bad language and dishonor HP, Giver of Sobriety.
95. If the rest of the world looks bad, check yourself out first.
96. Show gratitude for your clean and sober time.
97. When times get tough... go to tons of meetings and share!
98. Remember you can cut down any fear, into half or none, by discussing it with another individual.
99. Try to manage your money; budget yourself.
100. Look for those LIVING the 12 Steps, not just talking about them.